Sunday, September 4, 2022

A dog's tail, once twisted always twisted

I think it is not the first time that I am admitting that I have written some absurd and meaningless posts here on this blog. If that was the extent of my folly it would have been bearable, but I must admit that my foolishness has been spilling over and over again all though my clumsy walk-through life's sweet ride.

One lesson for me is that it is better if I stick to a comical manner of writing about stuff. The serious stuff is just not worth it especially because of my lack of expertise in it. 

I will just write about how water came to be and how it manages to quench our thirst. You will find it interesting that all the water in the world is actually formulated in a top-secret lab and distributed all over the world wirelessly. 

So, to begin with, one fine day many billions of years ago some of the most brilliant people realized that their skin felt too dry and crusty. They were also fed up with all the dirt they used to eat just to moisturize their inner self. So that's when they decided that it was time to find something new which was better than dirt. In a top-secret mission high up on the summit of mount Everest they set up a camp to formulate that something new. Days turned into months and months turned into years but nothing new could be formulated. People grew old and new people were sent up the summit. Many of them fell off the summit on more than one occasion. It was getting harder by the day to keep the camp together. The eureka moment was however nowhere near the horizon until one fine day when an explosion burnt the entire camp down. In the ashes of the camp, the now homeless found glistening drops of something they had never seen before. That was the beginning of the water that we all get delivered, sometimes in bulk and mostly in retail. The camp on Everest was disbanded and the secret formula of drops was deciphered. The very next day they launched a rocket that would explode far far far away near a large dense high-pressure fog of gas that ignited as the rocket exploded into the fog. It started a large fire and people here started calling it the sun to mimic the sound of the explosion that was heard after the fire was first seen.

The sun soon began burning up gases here and the fumes reached as high up as Everest. It was here and other places so high that the first ultra max air conditioners of the world were put. The rising fumes of burnt gases would be cooled by these air conditioners and fall back on earth in form of ice. large deposits of ice were in turn melt by sun's heat and water began flowing all over. So much ice melted that all the earth was submerged in water. People started living under water and since they were living under water, they made it salty because of all the sweating and perspiration. It was so salty that people had a hard time living under water, so they dug and piled up dirt in some places and climbed out of water. Some of the people stayed back so the water is still salty in those places. The people on the ground did not like the people who stayed back so they began mixing more salt in water that drained into places where people lived underwater. Anyways, water was now everywhere but most of it was salty. From the ice of mountain, non salty water would flow and soon it would pick up all the salt from dirt of earth and get salty. The people on ground made channels for salty water to flow into seas and oceans where all the salty water was kept. Sometimes they also dug up lakes for salty water. The sun would burn these oceans, seas, lakes, and flowing water to make fumes that would rise up then get cooled because of air conditioners high up in the sky and fall back as water drops and ice. 

Thats how we made water and continue to make it. To make it look great they disguise some of the labs and air conditioners in clouds. Sometimes when they run out of clouds, they just color most of the equipment invisible. All in all, the system of water formation and distribution works well. Some people then thought it would be a good idea to make some money out of water. So, they claimed some of it to be their own. They first put it in a tank and distributed it through pipes. Many people bought these pipes and water would drip from these pipes during odd hours of the day. Then they put it in smaller bottles and sold it in weird places where there were no pipes. Everything is working great, now all the great people in this wide world are free of eating any kind of dirt whatsoever.                     

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